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Become A Volunteer Today

Below are some of the current volunteer opportunities where we need help. Our chapter is only as strong as its volunteer base. If you’re interested please contact We’re expanding and always open to more volunteers! Email us if you have questions or if you are interested in contributing in a different way. 

 Current Volunteer Events

  • Tabling, Local Events, and 1-off volunteering opportunities can be found here.
  • Monthly Beach Clean-Ups and other hosted events can be found here.

 Current Volunteer Positions

  • Secretary (Executive Committee) The Secretary is the glue that supports our Executive Team. You will help coordinate with our Chair and Vice Chair to prepare agendas for meetings, take notes on meeting discussion and decisions, coordinate with chapter leadership to ensure representation at regional/national conferences, and overall help further the work of our local Surfrider chapter and partnership with Surfrider National.
  • Events Coordinator The Events Coordinator manages and organizes Surfrider chapter events, coordinates with Program Leads to identify event opportunities, and manages external event requests in collaboration with other leaders to determine Surfrider SMC involvement. We are also looking for a person who knows the Coastside and Bayside well to throw 2-4 events per year, including fundraising and/or auctions.
  • Blue Water Task Force (BWTF) Program Lead – Our long-standing BWTF program is looking for a new Lead to help coordinate and train our BWTF volunteers and continue our great advocacy for our beaches and coastlines. No prior BWTF experience required! 
  • Fundraising Lead  The Fundraising Lead will be key in coordinating existing fundraising programs, engaging in new opportunities, and helping make sure the chapter can continue to do good work year after year.   
  • Newsletter Coordinator - Help keep our chapter members informed and connected! The Newsletter Coordinator will oversee and coordinate our bi-monthly newsletter, soliciting articles for the newsletter from Surfrider SMC's executive committee members and Program Leads, editing text submitted for publication, and writing articles as required. 
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Lead The DEI Lead will work with our Executive Committee and extended volunteer team to ensure we are always championing diversity, equitable access, representation, and inclusion in all our programs and initiatives. 
  • Program Team Members – We’re looking for team members to join our leads as extra support for the following Programs:
    • Social Media – Join our Social Media committee to help us stay connected to our volunteers and increase our chapter's reach
    • Events – Join our Events team to get more involved in bringing our community closer together
    • Ocean Friendly Restaurants (OFR) – Join our Ocean Friendly Restaurants team to help coordinate and engage with local restaurants in San Mateo County to get certified as Ocean Friendly. Volunteer time is flexible and looking for folks to try to connect with 1 restaurant a month.
    • Blue Water Task Force (BWTF) – Join our Blue Water Task Force team to spread awareness of water quality in our local communities.
    • Volunteer – Join our Volunteer team for to be more active in volunteer engagement, community involvement, and to lend a helping hand where needed in each Program (Blue Water Task Force, Beach Clean-Ups, Tabling, Events)

Join The Largest Network Of Coastal Defenders In The World

Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the Surfrider Foundation. Join our network and help us tackle the issues that face our ocean, waves and beaches. Enter your information below and we'll connect you with the nearest Chapter or Club in your community.